
International Conferences
- Y.L. Kang and T.H. Cho,
"False Report Injection And Remote Attack Detection Method using Security Trajectory in WSN-based Fire Detection IoT,"
2023 6th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference (AICCC 2023) , Japan, Dec. 15-17, 2023.
- J.S. Ahn and T.H. Cho,
"Design of Rule Translator for Temporal Rules Execution of BM-DEVS Model,"
The 15th International Conference on Computer Science and its Application (CSA 2023) , Vietnam, Dec. 18-20, 2023.
- W.J. Chung and T.H. Cho,
"MiTM Attack Detection Scheme Using Monitoring Information in V2X Communication,"
2023 the 9th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC 2023) , China, Dec. 8-11, 2023.
- H.K. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"A Method to Control Number of Max Hops and Downstream Node for Energy Efficiency in Dynamic En-route Filtering of WSN,"
2022 The 7th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS2022) , China, Apr. 22-25, 2022.
- T.H. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"A Traffic and Energy Based Detection and Prevention of DDoS Attacks on Nodes in WSN,"
The 9th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN 2021) , China, Nov. 25-28, 2021.
- K.A. Kim and T.H. Cho,
"Multipath Selection Method for En-route Filtering in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Network,"
18th international conference on electronics information and communication (ICEIC 2019) , New Zealand, Jan. 22-25, 2019.
- S.H. Lim and T.H. Cho,
"Load balancing management using fuzzy logic to improve the report transfer success rate,"
8th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (CCSEA 2018) ,Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 17-18, 2018.
- J.S. Ahn and T.H. Cho,
Fourth International Conference on Computer Science & Information Technology” (CSIT-2017) ,Dubai, UAE, Aug. 26-27, 2017.
- S.M. Nam and T.H. Cho,
"Modeling and simulation of vote length analysis for probabilistic voting-based filtering in wireless sensor networks: against false report and vote injection attacks,"
2017 International Conference on “International Conference on Research and Innovations in Science” (ICRISET 2017) ,Anand, India, Feb. 17-19, 2017.
- J.S. Ahn and D.J. Park and T.H. Cho,
"A Compromised Cluster Detection Method in Dynamic En-route Filtering Utilizing False Reports of Wireless Sensor Networks,"
2017 International Conference on “International Conference on Research and Innovations in Science” (ICRISET 2017) ,Anand, India, Feb. 17-19, 2017.
- Garam-Moe. Jeon and T.H. Cho,
"A Method for Detecting Man-In-The-Middle Attacks using Time Synchronization One Time Password in Interlock Protocol-based Internet of Things,"
International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA 2016) ,Seoul, South Korea, Aug. 02-13, 2016.
- J.H. Chung and T.H. Cho,
"An Adaptive Energy-Efficient SSL/TLS Method for the Internet of Things using MQTT on Wireless Networks,"
2016 International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2016), Tokyo, Japan, Jun. 17-19, 2016.
- D.J. Park and T.H. Cho,
"A Key Re-distribution Decision Scheme with Dynamic En-route Filtering to Improve Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks",
The 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Mathematics (ICCSCM), Langkawi, Malaysia, May 5-6, 2016.
- K.H. Song and T.H. Cho,
"Energy-efficient Prevention Method for Internal Sinkhole Attacks in INSENS based Wireless Sensor Networks,"
The 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Mathematics (ICCSCM), Langkawi, Malaysia, May 5-6, 2016.
- S.M. Nam and T.H. Cho,
"Context Aware Architecture based WSN Security for Detecting Compromised Nodes in Probabilistic Voting-Based Filtering,"
2016 The 8th International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC 2016), Hongkong, China, Apr. 27-30, 2016.
- J.J. Lee, and T.H. Cho,
"A Fuzzy-based Security Method for Maintaining Reliable Routing Path in LEAP for Wireless Sensor Networks against Sinkhole Attacks,"
Seoul International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science(SICEAS), Korea, Jan. 2016.
- S.Y. Moon, J.W. Kim, and T.H. Cho,
"An Energy-Efficient Routing Method with Intrusion Detection and Prevention for Wireless Sensor Networks,"
- S.M. Nam and T.H. Cho,
"Improvement of Energy Consumption and Detection Power for PVFS in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
2014 Seventh International conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU), Singapore, pp. 129-134, Jan. 2014.
- S.Y. Moon and T.H. Cho,
"Next Hop Nodes Selection Method for Interleaved Hop-by-Hop En-route Filtering Scheme in WSN,"
8th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT 2013), Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 30-33, Oct. 2013.
- S.M. Nam and T.H. Cho,
"Energy Efficient Method for Selecting Next Hop Nodes in LEAP based Wireless Sensor Networks,"
8th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT 2013), Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 61-64, Oct. 2013.
- J.K. Lee, S.M. Nam and T.H. Cho,
"A Verification Node Selection Method for Energy Efficiency of PVFS using Fuzzy Logic in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
8th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT 2013), Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 38-41, Oct. 2013.
- S.Y. Moon and T.H. Cho,
"Energy Efficient Filtering Nodes Assignment Method for Sensor Networks Using Fuzzy Logic,"
8th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2012), Huangshan, China, pp. 293-300, Jul. 2012. (SCOPUS)
- S.M. Nam and T.H. Cho,
"A Method for the Enhancement of the Detection Power and Energy Savings against False Data Injection Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
8th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2012), Huangshan, China, pp. 547-554, Jul. 2012. (SCOPUS)
- J.K. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Selecting Next Hop Nodes for Energy Efficiency in Dynamic Filtering based WSNs using Fuzzy System,"
International Conference on Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its Applications, vol. 3, pp. 674-677, Jun. 2012. (SCOPUS)
- S.M. Sun and T.H. Cho,
"Energy Efficient Method for Detection and Prevention of False Reports in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
International Conference on Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its Applications, vol. 3, pp.766-769, Jun. 2012. (SCOPUS)
- C.I. Sun and T.H. Cho,
"Advanced Path Selection Method for Detection of False Reports in Statistical Filtering based WSNs,"
2011 12th International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA 2011), Jeju, pp. 85-86, Aug. 22~24, 2011. (SCOPUS)
- J.W. Kim, S.Y. Moon, T.H. Cho, J. M. Kim and S. M Park,
"Improved Message Communication Scheme in Selective Forwarding Attack Detection Method,"
2011 7th International Conference on Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its Applications, Busan, pp. 169-172, Aug. 16~18, 2011. (SCOPUS)
- H.W. Lee, S. Y. Moon, T.H. Cho,
"A Method to Control Probability of Attempts to Verify a Report in Statistical En-route Filtering,"
2011 7th International Conference on Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its Applications, Busan, pp. 160-164, Aug. 16~18, 2011. (SCOPUS)
- S.M. Nam, C.I. Sun and T.H. Cho,
"The Cycle Decision Method for Switching the Secure Path using an Evaluation Function in Statistical Filtering based WSNs,"
2011 7th International Conference on Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its Applications, Busan, pp. 165-168, Aug. 16~18, 2011. (SCOPUS)
- S.Y. Moon, H. Park and T.H. Cho,
"Hybrid System Model Simulation Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems,"
2011 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2011), V2, pp. 337-340, Feb. 26~28, 2011.
- J.W.Kim, S.Y.Moon, T.H. Cho, J.M.Kim and S.M.Park
"Control Method of Checkpoint Node Selection Using a Fuzzy Rule System and Feedback in CHEMAS,"
The 13th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology(ICACT 2011), Phonix Park, Korea, pp. 584-587, Feb. 13~16, 2011. (SCOPUS)
- H.Y. Lee, T.H. Cho and H.J. Kim,
"Fuzzy-Based Detection of Injected False Data in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
The 4th International Conference on Information Security and Assurance, CCIS76, Miyazaki, Japan, pp. 128-137, Jun. 23~25, 2010. (SCOPUS)
H. Park, C.I. Sun and T.H. Cho,
"A Secure Path Determination Method for Statistical En-route Filtering Based Wireless Sensor Network,"
2010 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, Chengdu, China, pp. 603-607,
Aug. 20~22, 2010. (SCOPUS)
S.Y. Moon and T.H. Cho,
"Hop by Hop On Demand Path Selection Method for Sensor Networks,"
The 12th International Conference on Advenced Communiction Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea, pp. 547-550, Feb. 7~10, 2010. (SCOPUS)
M.H. Han, C.I. Sun and T.H. Cho,
"Fuzzy Efficient MAC length Determination Method for Commutative Cipher Based Filtering,"
The 12th International Conference on Advenced Communiction Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea, pp. 341-345, Feb. 7~10, 2010. (SCOPUS)
J.M. Kim, S.Y. Moon and T.H. Cho,
"Key Re-Dissemination for Maintaining Detection power in Sensor Networks,"
The 12th International Conference on Advenced Communiction Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea, pp. 147-150, Feb. 7~10, 2010. (SCOPUS)
C.I. Sun, M.H. Han and T.H. Cho,
"Fuzzy-based Determination Method for Redistributing Keys in Sensor Networks,"
The 12th International Conference on Advenced Communiction Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea, pp. 52-58, Feb. 7~10, 2010. (SCOPUS)
P.T. Nghiem, S.J. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"An Energy-Aware Fuzzy-Based En-route Filtering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
2009 International Conference on Future Networks, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 28-32, Mar. 7~9, 2009. (SCOPUS)
B.H. Kim, S.Y. Moon, H.Y. Lee, C.I. Sun and T.H. Cho,
"Cluster Adaptation Method to Enhance Performance of Filtering Scheme in Sensor Networks,"
The 11th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea, pp. 13-19, Feb. 15~18, 2009. (SCOPUS)
S.J. Lee, H.Y. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Adaptive Threshold Determination Method for the Dynamic Filtering in Wireless Sensor Networks using Fuzzy Logic,"
The Third International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, Suwon, Korea, pp. 647-651, Jan. 15~16, 2009.
S.Y. Moon and T.H. Cho,
"Energy Efficient Filtering Method in Sensor Networks,"
The Third International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, Suwon, Korea, pp. 630-635, Jan. 15~16, 2009.
M.H. Han, S.J. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Adaptive Key Diffusion Restriction Method for Dynamic filtering in Wireless Sensor,"
Computer Engineering and Applications, Ningbo, China, pp. 268-272, Jan. 10~12, 2009.
S.J. Lee, M.H. Han and T.H. Cho,
"A pair of Threshold Determination Method for the Dynamic filtering in Wireless sensor Netwokrs Based on Fuzzy Logic,"
Computer Engineering and Applications, Ningbo, China, pp. 263-267, Jan. 10~12, 2009.
H.Y. Lee, S.Y. Moon and T.H. Cho,
"Adaptive False Data Filtering Method for Sensor Networks Based on Fuzzy and Commutative Cipher,"
2008 International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, Phuket, Thailand,
pp. 228-231,
Dec. 20~22, 2008.
S.Y. Moon, H.Y. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Key Management Scheme for Query Based Routing in Sensor Networks,"
2008 International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, Phuket, Thailand,
pp. 539-543,
Dec. 20~22, 2008.
B.H. Kim and T.H. Cho,
"Condition-based Key Dissemination Period Determining Method in Sensor Networks,"
The 10th International Conference On Advanced Communication Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea,
pp. 1121-1125,
Feb. 17~20, 2008.
H.Y. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Fuzzy Logic Based Key Disseminating in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks,"
The 10th International Conference On Advanced Communication Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea,
pp. 958-962,
Feb. 17~20, 2008.
B.H. Kim and T.H. Cho,
"Efficient Selection Method of Message Authentication Codes for Filtering Scheme in Sensor Networks,"
The Second International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Commnuication, Suwon, Korea,
pp. 528-531,
Jan. 31~Feb. 1, 2008.
M.S. Kim and T.H. Cho,
"Fuzzy-Based Hierarchical Key Diffusion Method in Sensor Networks,"
The Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent System, Information Processing, and Network, Seoul, Korea,
pp. 20-22,
Nov. 26~27, 2007.
S.R. Kim and T.H. Cho,
"Application of Fuzzy Logic for Adaptive Filtering in the Statistical Filtering Based Grid Sensor Networks,"
The Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent System, Information Processing, and Network, Seoul, Korea,
pp. 9-12,
Nov. 26~27, 2007.
S.Y. Moon and T.H. Cho,
"Security Parameter Determining Method for the Commutative Cipher Based Filtering Using Fuzzy Logic,"
The Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent System, Information Processing, and Network, Seoul, Korea,
pp. 1-4,
Nov. 26~27, 2007.
J.M. Kim, H.Y. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Secure Multicast Tree Structure Generation Method for Directed Diffusion using A* Algorithms,"
The Proceedings of Asia Simulation Conference 2007, Seoul, Korea,
pp. 426-434,
Oct. 10~12, 2007.
J.M. Kim, J.G. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Logical Key Hierarchy Generation for Efficient Group Key Update in Sensor Networks,"
The Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technology and Applications, Dubai, UAE,
pp. 1373-1382,
Feb. 12~14, 2007.
M.S. Kim and T.H. Cho,
"A Fuzzy Logic-Based Voting Scheme for the Filtering of False Reports in Sensor Networks,"
The Proceedings of the First Intenational Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, Suwon, Korea,
pp. 496-499,
Feb. 8~9, 2007.
J.M. Kim and T.H. Cho,
"Node Redeployment Determining in Sensor Networks using Fuzzy Logic,"
The Proceedings of Int'l Conference on Network and Mobile Computing, Nilai, Malaysia,
pp. 32,
Aug. 28~29, 2006.
M.S. Kim and T.H. Cho,
"Fuzzy Logic for Parameter Evaluation in Statistical Filtering Based Sensor Networks,"
The Proceedings of Int'l Conference on Network and Mobile Computing, Nilai, Malaysia,
pp. 28,
Aug. 28~29, 2006.
H.Y. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"False Negative-Resilient Report Generation for the Statistical Filtering in Sensor Networks,"
The Proceedings of Int'l Conference on Network and Mobile Computing, Nilai, Malaysia,
pp. 27,
Aug. 28~29, 2006.
S.R. Kim and T.H. Cho,
"Application of Fuzzy Logic for Adaptive Filtering in the Statistical Filtering based Sensor Networks,"
The Proceedings of Int'l Conference on Network and Mobile Computing, Nilai, Malaysia,
pp. 18,
Aug. 28~29, 2006.
K.J. Suh and T.H. Cho,
"Application of Contract Net Protocol to the Design and Simulation of Network Security Model,"
The Proceedings of Int'l Conference of Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society, Seoul, Korea,
pp. 197-206,
Nov. 6~8, 2003.
W.Y. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Modeling and Simulation of Policy-based Network Security,"
The Proceedings of Int'l Conference of Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society, Seoul, Korea,
pp. 155-162,
Nov. 6~8, 2003.
K.H. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Application of an Expert System for the location decision of Dimension Marking within a graphic drawing sheet for a metal grating production,"
The Proceedings of Int'l Conference of Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society, Seoul, Korea,
pp. 45-49,
Nov. 6~8, 2003.
T.H. Cho,
"PL-DEVS: A Modeling Approch For Embedding Intelligent Planning Capability To Discrete Event Simulation Models,"
The Proceedings of System Simulation and Scientific Computing, Shanghai, China,
pp. 1066-1074,
Nov. 3~6, 2002.
S.H. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Application of rule based expert system to GDS(Grating automatic Drawing System),"
The Proceedings of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Muju Resort, Jeonbuk, Korea,
pp. 2422-2426,
Oct. 16~19, 2002.
H.S. Seo and T.H. Cho,
"Modeling and Simulation of Network Security with the Coordination of IDSes and Firewall,"
The Proceedings of International Conference of Security and Management, Las Vegas, USA,
pp. 207-212,
Jun. 24~27, 2002.
H.J. Kim, H.G. Kim and T.H. Cho,
"Simulation Model Design of Computer Network for Vulnerability Assessment,"
The Proceedings of International Workshop on Information Security Applications, Vol.2, Seoul, Korea,
pp. 203-217,
Sep. 2001.
H.S. Seo, M.R. Yi and T.H. Cho,
"Simulation of Intrusion Detection System for Network Security,"
The Proceedings of SCSC (Summer Computer Simulation Conference), Orlando, USA,
pp. 453-458,
Sep. 2001.
H.J. Kim, T.H. Cho and Y.B. Kim,
"Hierarchical Modeling and Simulation of Intrusion Detection System,"
The Proceedings of JSST 2000 International Conference, Tokyo, Japan,
pp. 166-169,
Oct. 24~26, 2000.
T.H. Cho and M.R. Yi,
"Hierarchical Animation Environment,"
The Proceedings of the 2000 AI, Simulation and Planning In High Autonomy Systems, AZ. USA,
pp. 265-270,
Mar. 2000.
S.D. Chi, Y.K. Kim, J.O. Lee, B.G. Yu and T.H. Cho,
"Using the Modeling and Simulation to Develop the Traffic Route Guidance System,"
The Proceedings of International Congress on Modelling and Simulation 1995 (Modsim 95),
vol. 4, pp. 319-324,
Nov. 1995.
T.H. Cho and S.D. Chi,
"Name-directed coupling Applied to Cellular Models : River Pollution Example,"
The Proceedings of International Congress on Modelling and Simulation 1995 (Modsim 95),
vol. 3, pp. 327-332,
Nov. 1995.
S.D. Chi, Y.K. Kim, J.O. Lee and T.H. Cho,
"Endomorphic Modeling of Intelligent System : Intelligent Card Game Player,"
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
vol.3, pp. 2227 -2232,
Oct. 22~25, 1995.